The New Normal: 5 Ways to Thrive In Today’s ‘Normal’ Lifestyle

gardening in greenhouse

Coping with changes can be challenging, whether planned or not, and abrupt or sudden change is inevitable. Over the previous months, people worldwide have experienced a sudden shift in their way of life due to coronavirus. Pre-pandemic, most people took everyday luxuries such as fresh air and going out for granted, and now just going to the grocery store can be an adventure of its own.

However, now, despite the continuous efforts of medical professionals across the world. Continuously looking for as many details about the coronavirus alongside the aid of top-notch medical equipment like those from Pion Incorporated—and the recent distribution of vaccines, everyone’s facing fundamental shifts to the way of life, introducing the ‘new normal.’

That said, here are five ways to a new normal lifestyle.

Online Shopping

The pandemic has forever changed people’s shopping behaviors, with more consumers now preferring to shop online. However, although online shopping has received a spike in orders in the past months since it becomes more apparent how infectious COVID-19 is, many consumers have second thoughts. However, experts suggest that it’s doubtful that the virus would survive on your purchased items from the moment they were packed to the time you received the parcel, especially with the global slowdown of delivery systems.

The CDC also backed that up by saying that there’s an inherently low risk of the virus spreading from the products and packaging shipped over days or weeks at ambient temperatures. So, it’s highly likely that people will continue ordering their necessities online beyond the new decade because of these findings.


Pre-pandemic, the average American typically spends more than $1,200 on drive-thru food every year. That figure has substantially increased since the start of the pandemic, rising by a whopping 26% in just a few months. When restrictions eased in several countries, when restaurants and food establishments reopened, drive-through visits have doubled, providing customers their favorite meals from the safety of their vehicles.

Fast-food chains, like most businesses, had to find different ways to adapt to the recent challenges. For example, quick-service food establishments obtain sales primarily through two different kinds of customers, the daily population customers and passerby customers—the latter consist of individuals who stop at the physical stores while on the way to their destination.

As more individuals stay at home more and traveling less, some fast-food chains are experiencing a drop in customers who’d usually stop while commuting and see an increase in drive-through orders.

drive thru

Wearing Masks

Nearly a year ago, if people saw someone wearing a mask, they’d likely assume the person was terminally ill, weird, or even a bit paranoid. However, today, because of the pandemic, wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is the new normal for many individuals. However, is it a habit that’ll outlast the pandemic? Experts predict that the practice of wearing masks whenever out in public will have a lingering effect on people’s habits and can last for many years.

Additionally, wearing gloves in public has also become commonplace in many countries.

Remote Education

Education, as everyone knows it, has drastically changed. Schools and universities have transitioned online, with some combining face-to-face classes with online lectures. However, schools worldwide are feeling the impact of students’ absence, pausing planned conferences, international collaborations, and sabbaticals. Now, everything is done online, including graduation ceremonies. It’s unclear how the future of education will go, but for now, online classes have taken over school systems worldwide.

Gardening and Growing Your Vegetables

Staying fit and healthy is crucial at any time, but it’s critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why many individuals are taking matters into their own hands by growing their food at home. With nearly one-quarter of the globe’s population currently in lockdown, now’s the time to use your ample time in the garden and grow fresh and healthy food to contribute to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Besides providing fresh produce right in the heart of your backyard, gardens can also provide a place for experiencing nature, which has been proven countless times to benefit your mental health alongside cognitive functions and emotional well-being. On top of all these, the lockdown restrictions in various countries provide people with ample time and opportunity to create the garden they’ve likely always wanted, providing a sense of pride and pleasure.

Despite the vaccination efforts of governments worldwide, COVID-19 continues to spread, affecting all countries. However, amid the crisis, people have paved the pathway to the ‘new normal’ lifestyle approaches mentioned—bringing ‘life’ during these challenging times and allowing people to live.


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