Kindness Is Contagious: Community Projects During the Pandemic

talking to a senior

The pandemic was, indeed, a tough time for the whole world. People got sick. Some lost their loved ones. Many lost their jobs. Thousands of families went hungry. The world as a whole was challenged, and people were put to the test. But surprisingly, the pandemic has also brought out the best in people. Communities and even individuals found the silver lining. They saw it as an opportunity to help other people. It was inspiring how those who could spare some of their resources did their share—in their little ways—to reach out to those in need.

In a survey by the Pew Research Center, some Americans believed that the pandemic brought the best in society. It allowed them to appreciate the government’s support and to see the kindness of strangers. According to researchers, it was rare to receive such responses. This is because the world has gone cynical, making all these good deeds during the pandemic more special.

Kindness Makes You Feel Better

Recent surveys noted how helping others brought positive emotions to people during the pandemic. Respondents said good deeds made them feel better and happier than when they didn’t help others. This is also true for older adults in America and Canada. Older adults are those who are 60 years old and above. According to them, they were on a more positive note when they volunteered for activities. They also felt better connecting with other people, even if it was just online.

And these good deeds, which were initially done individually, spread like wildfire during the pandemic. It started from individual homes to entire neighborhoods. What were once small acts of kindness became huge kindness movements. Pandemic Kindness Projects have been known since then.

Here are some of the most inspiring activities done by individuals and organizations to reach out to struggling communities:

1. Feeding the hungry

According to Feeding America, the most prominent hunger-relief organization in the U.S., 42 million Americans could go hungry due to the pandemic this year. This number includes 13 million children. During the onset of the pandemic in 2020, the organization provided meals worth over six billion for families across the U.S.

Individuals and organizations have also reached out to food banks across different states. With most low-income families turning to food banks for their daily meals, people started donating to food banks in their area. Within communities, residents mobilized food drives and community pantries and fridges to support their food-insecure neighbors.

2. Reaching out to senior citizens

seniors relaxing in a park

Donations have flooded Meals on Wheels America during the pandemic. Meals on Wheels is an organization that provides meals for senior citizens across America. These donations extend to its local programs, where they also monitor and visit old neighbors in the area. They also give them the assistance that they need. Due to restrictions, older adults have a more challenging time accessing their needs. And since they are more vulnerable to the virus, organizations such as Meals on Wheels are a big help.

3. Empowering the sick

Donations have also poured in for those who have been hit by the coronavirus. People worldwide reached out to hospitals to send in food and other needs to patients who were alone fighting the virus. Meanwhile, families and friends also reached out to those who were in isolation at home. They also send flowers, balloons, and other stuff to cheer them up. They also connect with them through video conferencing apps to encourage them during this difficult time.

Meanwhile, others continue to help people uninfected with COVID-19. This is because it must have been more challenging for them to deal with their sickness amid the pandemic. One such case is cancer patients and survivors who have to deal with hair loss every day. Typically, they can get wigs from stores that offer different styles and colors. In addition, some groups collect used wigs and remodel them to donate to patients in need. These groups target patients who cannot afford to buy their wigs. This, in a way, gives them a confidence boost during these trying times.

Final Thoughts

Although we all struggled during the pandemic, it is inspiring to know that some individuals and communities are willing to go the extra mile to help those in need. It has become an opportunity for people to share their blessings.

While helping other people, they also unintentionally felt better. Thus, improving their mental health during these difficult times. We can only wish that these acts of kindness continue even after the pandemic. The pandemic, indeed, has restored people’s faith in humanity.

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