Five Predictions for Video Production in 2021

video shoot using a dslr

The meteoric rise of video production last year was not unexpected. After all, as people isolated themselves in their homes and stayed clear of public places, where else would they focus that energy but on watching videos? That’s probably why TikTok dominated the Internet last year, so much so that you cannot open your social media channels without seeing a TikTok video. The fact that big-name brands are also using the platform is enough evidence for you of how influential video content has become in the past years.

This 2021, it is time for businesses to be up to the challenge of producing relevant videos. It will take center stage in every marketing strategy you can come up with. As consumers look for more video content on the Internet, companies should make sure that they are right there in the thick of the action.

But market demand is not the only reason you should produce more videos and keep up with the trend. Video is also one of the most important elements of search engine optimization (SEO). Videos are on top of Google’s search results page. They are right above there with featured snippets or in position zero.

1. Live Streaming

This is not a surprise. Amid a pandemic, the only way for many sellers and consumers to communicate is the Internet. Businesses become dependent on using live streaming to reach out to their market. They can hold virtual events to introduce new products and announce promotions through live streaming.

It’s an essential type of content because it allows the connection in real-time. Consumers can ask sellers direct questions. Sellers are also given the opportunity to respond to these inquiries immediately.

2. Remote Video Production

A business’ inability to shoot videos outdoors now doesn’t mean that it should stop doing so. Businesses are so creative that they produce videos with a fully remote team. This means that the team members will shoot videos in separate locations. Editing tools will stitch these videos together. All they need are their smartphones and digital cameras to develop an effective solution to the predicament of social distancing.

While economies are opening up and face-to-face meetings are now being allowed, remote productions will still be an essential part of the industry. Businesses can create more content with this method.

3. Simpler Productions

In connection to remote production, businesses realize that’s what’s more important for consumers is the message that the content is trying to send. With more straightforward productions, consumers are going to focus more on what you are trying to say. People filming via Skype and Zoom shifted the market’s expectations from studio-quality backdrops and lighting to simpler props, lights, etc.

Even when higher productions become possible again, consumers will more likely learn how to focus on the message rather than the aesthetics. This works well for small businesses. They can compete with more prominent brands with better messaging.

video editing

4. Diversity

It became more apparent that this generation is more socially aware than ever. Consumers have been responsible for institutionalizing policies in the past year. They called on governments and private companies to be more responsible. They are also more aware of the impact of their actions on the environment, as well as their roles in creating a more just and diverse society.

Inclusivity, diversity, and accountability are being demanded from companies today. Consumers are looking for these themes in the video production that brands create. Of course, video is a great place to start a company’s journey to becoming more inclusive and diverse.

5. Accessibility

Hundreds of millions of people are deaf, are blind, or have other disabilities. Keep in mind that some people are overlooked and cannot watch videos traditionally. Creating accessible videos is not only the right thing to do, but it also expands your audience.

These things can make a difference: adding subtitles, avoiding flash content, and making a transcript of the dialogue available. Accessible videos create a better audience. It extends its reach to markets you wouldn’t have otherwise thought could be your audience. This is one way of making your company more inclusive and sensitive, too.

Last year was a big test for industries. However, video production made it possible for companies to continue going about their business through the Internet. Since few companies could implement their marketing and advertising campaigns last year, video production became a haven for businesses to increase engagement on their channels and generate more interest in their products and services.

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