How Housing Affects One’s Health and Well-being

couple looking at their house

A home is more than just a structure that shelters you. It protects you from the extreme elements of the weather. It shelters you during storms and defends you from the harsh rays of the sun. However, it functions beyond protecting you from external elements.

Studies have shown how the home has a profound impact on the child’s growth and development. The home is the first social environment that the child is exposed to. A poor physical home environment can negatively affect the physical, psychological, and emotional development of the child.

Growing up and living in a decent, comfortable home have significant effects on children. This means having a home with good ventilation, free of pests, and sufficient cooling and heating. Of course, your home environment does not only affect your children. It also has significant effects on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If you feel stressed and overwhelmed with your life lately, your home environment may be partly blamed.

A High-Quality Home Means a Happier and Healthier You

Low-quality homes suffer from pest infestations, poor ventilation, and other unbearable living conditions. Poor housing conditions can result in several health conditions, such as respiratory and mental health problems. The stress that you will feel will manifest in your relationships with your spouse and children, as well as your peers. This can result in emotional and behavioral problems in children, which will affect them as they grow older.

Substandard homes contribute to the spread of infections due to the lack of clean water, pests, and ineffective waste disposal. Poor housing conditions also contribute to the development of chronic illnesses due to the cold and presence of molds. Another possible problem with substandard housing is the presence of toxic materials such as lead and asbestos. For instance, asbestos, which was usually used in flooring and ceilings, is a carcinogen. It increases your risks of cancers of the lung, larynx, and stomach, among many others.

Families that have stable, safe, and comfortable homes also experience less stress. Renting and moving from one house to another can be stressful. You can feel uprooted with every move. If you feel unsettled every time you move to a new home, it’s not just your imagination. Moving can be a fiercely emotional experience for anyone. Your home is your safe place which makes moving to a new one a distressing experience.

Investing in a high-quality home that you can call your own is more than just owning a real estate asset. It means having a place you can call your lair, territory, and safe place. However, some real estate properties can be expensive. A mortgage lender can help make owning your dream home more affordable.

woman resting

Your Home Can Boost Your Sense of Well-being

Your home is an accomplishment that you should be proud of. Not everyone has the courage to make such an investment during their lifetime.

A home is a basic need. Your home should cultivate a healing and relaxing environment for your well-being. You spend most of your time at home, especially now in the middle of a pandemic. The health of your home can have significant effects on your own health.

A comfortable and healthy home is clean, dry, well-ventilated, pest-free, toxin-free, and energy-efficient. It must be clean and free of clutter for your relaxation and peace of mind. It must also be dry, with roofs and plumbing working well and without any leaks. Damp spaces are prone to molds and mildew and can cause respiratory problems and allergies.

A well-ventilated home has sufficient fresh air coming in. Ventilation can help reduce indoor air pollution and keep it safer for everyone. Carbon monoxide can easily build up without ventilation. Exposure to air pollutants can trigger several health problems such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Keep windows open or use mechanical systems to bring in some needed fresh air in your home.

Studies also show that fresh air helps productivity and brain function. Poor indoor quality has been shown to decrease performance and productivity. Proper ventilation will allow you to be more efficient and help improve your children’s cognitive performance. This is more important now more than ever, with many children still under remote learning setups.

A pest-free and toxin-free home is important for your overall health. Pests can cause not just diseases but costly damages to your property as well. Toxins, on the other hand, put you at risk of serious health issues and death.

Of course, if your home boosts your health, it can do many wonders for your sense of being and confidence. You can focus on other important matters such as your self-improvement, your children’s schooling, and keeping your family generally happy. You can spend your time on things that make you happy than on endless home repairs.

Investing in a high-quality home is also investing in your safety, peace of mind, and the children’s development in your home. With financial planning and preparation, acquiring your dream home will no longer be just a dream.

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