Data and AI: Two Tech-related Skills You Need in the Digital Age

IT Skills

Advances in technology are forcing people to update their skills to remain relevant in the workforce. Artificial intelligence and robotics are creating a workplace that is increasingly dependent on more sophisticated and intelligent machines. As manufacturing companies—specifically, factories—transition to using behemoth machines to build and assemble products at a faster rate, common workers find themselves lacking the skills to keep up with the pace.

And the race to updating your skills in IT seems to be endless. Technology is not going to stop anytime soon. Machines and equipment are getting faster, more sophisticated, smaller, and more efficient at handling jobs that were traditionally done by men. Every manufacturing company in the world is moving toward artificial intelligence, with manual labor only needed for programming and emergencies. What are the industries most affected by the advancement of technology?

Bottling and Packaging

Men and women are traditionally lined up in an assembly production line filling up bottles with food products and what-not. With their hands, they clean, fill, seal, label, and box these bottled products. But with the emergence of a servo filling machine, companies don’t need to hire as many workers. They need them to program and supervise the machines, but not to do manual labor anymore.


It is perhaps the automobile industry that has been impacted the most by the automation of the manufacturing industry. Massive machines assemble cars in as fast as minutes or around 17 hours from scratch. In the past, it took weeks to assemble one car. Some car manufacturing companies can make around 120 cars a day because of assembly machines.


Cloth manufacturing is another industry that is reliant on artificial intelligence. These machines can churn out more than six yards of fabric per two minutes. In some cases, the machines are even faster. This allows for fast-fashion companies to produce hundreds of thousands of the same items.

With these technologies in place, how can the skills of an ordinary worker survive? If the company does not need you in the assembly line, where can your skills be useful? What kind of tech-related skills do you need to continue being relevant in this age of technology?


Understanding Data

You cannot imagine the volume of data that companies collect today to guide them in bringing better products and services to consumers. Companies monitor customer interaction at every point—from awareness to sales to customer service to post-sales technical service. Businesses collect this data for use today and in the future.

Employees with data-analytical skills can compete better with smart technology. It doesn’t’ take too much to update your skills in data analysis. Google and a host of other websites offer lessons on analytics, empowering generations of employees who would have otherwise missed the opportunity to keep up with technology.

Embracing Artificial Intelligence

You don’t have to build equipment with machine-learning capabilities. However, you need to understand how it works. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to think like humans because they are programmed like one. These machines mimic the actions of humans, recognizing patterns and repetitive actions.

You hold in your hands the most amazing feat of artificial intelligence—your smartphone. It can think for you. It can remind you to drink your medicine or call back your boss. But it doesn’t stop there. These machines can learn and solve complex problems. Through your actions, these machines can perfect their abilities to provide services that, two decades ago, were impossible to imagine.

It takes a year to four years to understand the complexities of artificial intelligence. Schools offer courses on artificial intelligence. These courses will give you an overview of how these machines work and the ways they can make complex jobs faster and easier. Not only are you going to gain a more appreciation for these machines you deem are taking work away from you, but you will also use these skills to improve your position in any company you are a part of.

Tech Skills Have a Shelf Life

Your skills in handling technology have a shelf life. As much as you think you are updated with various skills, it will only last for two years. Many new technologies emerge every year, though the major ones appear at least every two years. That’s when you know it is time for you to update your skills.

That training you took a few years ago is old news. If you are not working to upgrade your tech skills, you stand to lose in the industry you are supposedly trained for. Strive to remain current and work to develop the habits needed in the industry that you belong to. This small investment in yourself can only bring you nothing but more success.

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