A Surefire Guide To Starting a Career in Aviation

2 pilots operating a plane in a cockpit

If you’re looking to start a career in aviation, you’ve come to the right place. The aviation industry is a dynamic and fast-paced field with many different career paths. Whether you want to be an aircraft mechanic, pilot, or something else entirely, there are several steps you can take to get your career off the ground. Here are some tips for pursuing a career in this sector.

Pass Aviation School:

The first step is to get initial training. It’s crucial to find a reliable aviation school that offers the proper certifications and qualifications and has a well-rounded curriculum with courses in safety, mechanics, and other related topics.

Be sure to research the school thoroughly before enrolling. For example, if you’re interested in becoming an aircraft mechanic, make sure the school has a strong track record of placing its graduates into successful positions.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to become a pilot, the school should have suitable aircraft and flight simulators that can give you a realistic experience. Either way, ensure the school is accredited and offers the required courses.

Get Certified:

Depending on what kind of job you’re looking for, getting certified may be essential for pursuing a career in aviation. For example, if you want to become an aircraft mechanic, then you will need an A&P (Airframe and Powerplant) certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

If you want to become a pilot, then you will need a pilot’s license from the FAA. No matter what job you’re interested in pursuing, ensure you have all the necessary certifications before applying.

Additionally, take the time to research any other certifications that may be needed for your particular job. This can range from airport security certifications to advanced training in specific types of aircraft.


When it comes to finding success in any industry, networking is key. Luckily, plenty of opportunities are available to network with people who work in the aviation sector, like attending conferences and trade shows or joining professional associations.

Connecting with professionals who are already working in the field can help open doors and provide valuable advice on how best to pursue your dream job. For instance, they can provide insights on job openings and specific requirements for certain positions or even give you a leg up in the application process.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions and make yourself known. Most people in the aviation industry are passionate about what they do and are more than willing to help out someone who shares the same enthusiasm.

professionals networking with colored callouts graphics

Research Internships:

Internships are great ways to gain hands-on experience and learn more about the aviation industry without committing yourself too quickly or too deeply. Many airlines offer internships ranging from six months to one year, where interns can shadow experienced professionals and get real-world experience in their chosen profession.

Additionally, internships can provide invaluable connections that could lead to full-time positions after graduation or even during school breaks if they’re offered at universities. For starters, look for internships offered by airlines, aircraft manufacturers, airports, or even the FAA.

Once you’ve got your foot in the door, make sure to take full advantage of any opportunities you’re given. Be proactive and demonstrate your passion for the aviation industry. These experiences can open doors and help you succeed in this exciting field.

Be Flexible:

The aviation industry is ever-changing, so it helps if applicants have some flexibility when applying for jobs within this sector, as certain positions may require travel or relocation depending on where they are located geographically.

Being open-minded and flexible allows applicants greater opportunities when searching for careers within this field since there may be times when unexpected openings arise within certain areas of expertise that weren’t originally considered by an applicant but could still be suitable for them, given their skill set and experience level.

Moreover, being flexible can help applicants become more competitive in their job search since they may have a better chance of being hired by an employer that’s looking for someone with specific skills or experience.

Seek Out Mentorships:

Finding mentors can be incredibly helpful when starting out in any field, especially when trying to break into something as competitive as aviation! A mentor can guide prospective employees on which certifications would be most beneficial.

They can also give advice on how best to market themselves when applying for jobs within this sector or interviewing potential employers or employees alike! Additionally, having someone experienced by your side while navigating through such a unique industry can give applicants peace of mind knowing they have access to support whenever needed throughout their journey toward professional success!

Whenever possible, look for mentorships through your school or even within the aviation industry. Many people are willing to help, so don’t be afraid to ask!

The sky really is the limit when it comes to pursuing a career in aviation! With hard work and dedication, those interested can succeed no matter their area of expertise. By following these tips—passing aviation school, getting certified, networking with professionals already working in this field, researching internships, being flexible, and seeking out mentorship—prospective employees can increase their chances of starting off strong and continuing down their path toward achieving their dreams within this amazing industry.

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