5 Active Ways to Build Self-Confidence

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Self-confidence makes you feel ready to experience different opportunities and deal with different kinds of people because you trust in your abilities and judgment. Having a low self-confidence level is the opposite — it holds you back from facing the realities of life because you’re afraid of making mistakes.

Gaining self-confidence is more than just thinking — it involves developing daily physical habits that can help you trust in yourself more. When these habits become incorporated into your daily life, you become a more self-assured and optimistic person. Actively pursue self-confidence by following these tips:

Learn How to Play the Drums

Playing the drums is one of the most active ways to learn music. It provides some cardio by keeping your heart rate up and it’s also a good way to relieve stress. Learning an instrument imparts mastery and a sense of control that help develop self-confidence.

In learning how to play the drums, you begin to have a growth mindset that convinces you that you can learn by starting slow. When you break complex tasks into doable parts, you start to overcome these challenges that help build your confidence.

You can start learning drums through books, online instructional videos, or by taking drum lessons to have a professional direct you to things that you should work on.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise improves your body image and boosts your self-confidence. Seeing the progress you’ve made develops your self-esteem and makes you feel better about yourself. It also helps in managing stress, so you stay encouraged to face everyday challenges.

Physical activity is related to self-esteem as it makes you feel a sense of accomplishment. For example, exceeding a personal record makes you proud in achieving that specific goal, so you continue to improve yourself. Self-esteem enhancing strategies like this will push towards your goal and build your confidence in the process. Here are other confidence-enhancing strategies that you can practice:

  • Create a Realistic Game Plan: Set weekly and monthly exercise routines that you’d like to achieve. Be realistic about the time and energy that you’ll dedicate to ensure success and to avoid pushing yourself too hard.
  • Have an Exercise Buddy: Exercising with a friend will not only improve your confidence but also track each other’s progress and encourage each other.
    running together
  • Practice Positive Self-talk: If you feel like you’re leaning towards the habit of negative self-talk in your daily life, stop and turn that thought into something positive. For example, if you miss one day of exercise, don’t think that you’re lazy, but set a new plan for the next day to get back on track. Remember that the way you think and talk to yourself influences your self-esteem.

Do Things That Make You Happy

Doing what you love makes your life enriched and allows you to be the best version of yourself. If you’re motivated and fulfilled, you gain more confidence because you see yourself growing while doing things that satisfy you.

There’s no room for insecurities because your happiness overpowers them. Some people lack confidence because they believe what other people say, or they keep comparing themselves to them. Constantly doing that will just make you feel low all the time. By choosing happiness, you choose to focus on positive things rather than negative judgment.

Do Your Best Power Pose

Posture can significantly improve your self-esteem. Maintaining a good posture by simply standing tall or sitting up straight boosts your brain’s oxygen levels and helps you function better and think clearly.

The “power pose” involves standing up straight with your chin pointed up, hands on hips, and a puffed-out chest. This pose can make you feel more confident, powerful, and make you perform better. It works because it decreases cortisol levels that can cause stress.

To maintain this confidence level, strike your power pose for at least two to three minutes daily for a confidence-boosting way to start the day.

Learn to Speak Assertively

Speaking assertively is communicating directly to clearly express your point. There’s a difference between being assertive and aggressive, so minimize conflict by respecting other people’s opinions. When you’re able to express yourself in a diplomatic way, your confidence levels increase.

To practice speaking assertively, avoid filler language when you speak to come across as a confident person. Maintain eye contact to have them listen to you, keep an even tone of voice, and be aware of your body language.

The key to building self-confidence is less thinking and more doing. Focus on the things that make you happy instead of letting other people’s judgments bring you down. Remember that you’re the only person who knows what you’re capable of; don’t let other people tell you otherwise.

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