Pet-friendly Homes: 3 Ways to Create a Safe and Comfortable Pet Sanctuary


Many people want their homes to be as safe, clean, and comfortable as possible for human occupants. They take time, money, and effort to apply home improvements to boost the aesthetic appeal and overall house value. Those living in extreme weather conditions rely on moisture mitigation systems such as advanced industry-standard ASTM F3010 flooring solutions. With these systems, contractors apply a fluid-based membrane-forming solution on floors to improve water resistance, make spills easier to clean, and extend the life of floors, especially in high-traffic areas. Meanwhile, others rely on landscaping and energy-efficient systems to manage their homes’ heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Pet-friendly Spaces at Home

But maintaining a home can be challenging, especially if you’re living with pets. Sadly, most homeowners don’t care about their pets when designing or buying homes, especially pet owners themselves. In reality, pets also value their spaces just like humans. These include the areas where they sleep, eat, and play. For this reason, homeowners should ensure their homes are comfortable and safe for their furry friends. This means everything inside the house should accommodate their needs and won’t pose a safety risk to pets.

Living with pets can be a little tricky, especially when handling their weird behavior. This is true if you have a pet that sheds everywhere, loves snooping around, climbs on high areas, and likes to play with furniture. But allowing them to be on their own around the house can hurt them, especially if your place isn’t pet-friendly enough. To ensure a safe sanctuary for your pets, here are a few ways you can create a comfortable and safe living space for your pets.

1. Carve a Pet Station

Cats and dogs, especially their babies, want to stay in small, dark, and warm spaces. Instead of letting them sleep in crates or random areas of your home, you can provide them with their own space, so they don’t have to stay in places where they don’t belong.

Choose a comfortable, quiet, and hazard-free space so they can sleep peacefully without distractions. Include convenient features, such as a soft, cozy pet bed, toys, water source, and feeding bowls. For the water, it’s best to buy a pet fountain since pets prefer to drink fresh water. Create a storage cabinet for pet toys, accessories, and treats near the pet station if you have the extra space.

If you have cats, place the litter boxes in a more private area. Cats won’t use a litter box if they’re uncomfortable or don’t feel safe. Senior pets require an accessible sleeping area with wee pads. You can also install ramps if there’s a specific area your pet wants to access.


2. Secure Personal Items

Pets are always so curious about their surroundings that you often catch them snooping around. This behavior can be hazardous, especially if they encounter an item that poses a health and safety risk. In this case, you have to secure and store all items to ensure your pet won’t get harmed.

Store your vitamins and medications in a safe place, preferably in a locked cabinet. The last thing you want is to let your pet ingest a random pill. If you keep the medicines in the bathroom or bedroom, store them on the top shelf. The same goes for human food. Certain foods are considered toxic for pets, such as chocolates, nuts, raisins, grapes, and avocados. For soaps, toiletries, disinfectants, pesticides, and cleaning supplies, make sure to store them in places they can’t access.

It’s also recommended to cover exposed wirings because curious pets will likely chew on them. Buy trash cans with lids if your pet loves to dig into the trash. Also, make sure to limit the number of fragile items, such as mirrors, glasses, figurines, and other things that can cause injuries to pets. Eliminate ladders that pets can use to climb elevated areas. For extra measure, look for hazards around the house that can cause electrocution, suffocation, strangulation, and choking.

3. Pet-proof your home

Go for materials and fabrics that are easy to clean. The best options are Ultrasuede, easy-care leather, or any fabric with stain- and germ-resistant features. Carpets are a huge no-no unless they’re pet-friendly. A great tip is to look for pet-friendly floorings, such as hardwood, ceramic tile, or nonporous surface flooring. These surfaces are easier to maintain and are resistant to any stains your pet can dish out.

Many people want their pets to feel comfortable and at home. Knowing how to create a pet-friendly home is one of the best ways to keep your pets safe and healthy. This allows us to enjoy many years with them and have true peace of mind under our care. Following the steps in this post can help you provide a clean and safe home for your four-legged companions.

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