Understanding the Impact of Typhoons on Your Community

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• Typhoons can cause destruction and devastation, especially in vulnerable coastal communities.

• Flooding, power outages, property damage, and landslides are some of the main risks associated with typhoons.

• It is crucial to prepare for a typhoon by having an emergency kit and extra insurance coverage.

• After a typhoon passes, it is important to survey the area for damages, check utilities, clean up any uprooted trees, and stay informed about future forecasts.

Typhoons are a type of tropical cyclone that occurs in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and are known to cause severe damage and destruction. The U.S. is home to some of the most devastating typhoons on record, which have caused flooding, high winds, and other devastation throughout its coastal areas. In 2020 alone, the U.S. experienced a record number of typhoons, including Hurricanes Sally and Laura, which caused catastrophic damage in the Gulf Coast region. Communities are vulnerable to these natural disasters. Here’s what you need to know about it.

Typhoons and Your Community

Typhoon season is here, and everyone needs to understand the potential risks these storms can pose. While most typhoons tend to pass without causing major problems, their effects can be devastating if not taken seriously. Let’s take a look at four ways typhoons can affect your community.

flooded road


One of the most significant risks associated with typhoons is flooding. Large amounts of rainfall in short periods create a lot of runoff, which can cause rivers and other bodies of water to overflood their banks. This can lead to flooding in low-lying areas and homes closest to the water’s edge. Be aware of evacuation notices when issued and be prepared to move quickly if necessary.

Power Outages

Typhoons often come with high winds that damage power lines and other electrical infrastructure. If these are damaged during a storm, it could lead to widespread power outages lasting for days or weeks, depending on the storm’s severity. Have an emergency kit ready with extra batteries, flashlights, candles, and non-perishable food items if you experience a power outage due to a typhoon.

Property Damage

High winds from typhoons can also cause significant property damage throughout your community. Trees may be uprooted or snapped in half from the strong gusts, while roofs may become ripped off or severely damaged from flying debris. It is important for homeowners or renters living in an area prone to typhoons to invest in extra insurance coverage for their properties before storm season starts, as it will help protect them if any damage does occur due to a storm.


In areas with steep hills or cliffs, landslides can also become an issue during typhoon season as heavy rains erode the soil. Eventually, it gives way to massive slides down below. These landslides can cause major disruption as roads and highways will be blocked off until crews arrive with equipment capable of clearing them away.

It is important for people living in hilly regions near rivers or coastlines, especially during typhoon season, as they should always remain aware of landslide warnings issued by local authorities just in case one occurs nearby where they live or work at some point during the year.

The Aftermath

Your community must know what to do after the aftermath of every typhoon. Here are some things your community should do after a typhoon hits.

Survey the Area

Your community must check various homes for damages and eventual leaks. This can help ensure that homes are safe from further damage. You can hire a local drone for roof inspection service to help with this. The drone can take pictures of the roof and send them to a technician for further inspection.

Check the Utilities

After the typhoon, you should check your electricity, water, and communications systems to ensure they function correctly. If any of these services have been interrupted, contact your local power company or utility provider to get them back up and running.


Clean Uprooted Trees

The high winds from a typhoon can cause trees to be uprooted or snapped in half. It is vital for people living in an area prone to typhoons to clean up the fallen trees and move them away from homes and other structures, as they can cause further damage if left unattended.

Be Prepared for the Next Storm

Finally, preparing for the next typhoon that hits your area is essential. Always have an emergency kit with water, food, batteries, flashlights, and other necessary supplies in case of a prolonged power outage or evacuation order. Also, practice safety measures outside during a storm, such as wearing rain gear and avoiding fallen power lines. It is also wise to stay up-to-date on the latest typhoon forecasts to prepare for potential storms.

By following these tips, your community can adequately prepare for and respond to a typhoon before, during, and after it passes through your area. While these storms can be highly destructive and unpredictable, the more prepared you are, the better off you will be when disaster strikes.

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