How to Use Technology Effectively for Personal Development

personal development

We are all striving to become better models of ourselves and to grow as individuals. However, you might believe that you lack time to devote to personal growth or that you are unsure where to begin. Fortunately, with today’s technology, increasing personal growth and obtaining self-improvement content has never been simpler. Over two decades of study have shown the advantages of self-help through technology. Even IT firms have been using apps and online tools that can assist individuals in developing psychological health or managing symptoms of psychological problems on their own. Online assistance can be used to supplement face-to-face professional therapy; speak to your health professional about the resources you’re trying and how they’re supporting you. In the meantime, here are some ways technology can support personal development.

When Should You Use Your Devices?

Any recurrent activity forms habit loops. For example, while brushing your teeth or preparing your daily coffee, you most likely follow the same steps. They are one way the mind regulates activities to make them more effective, says Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. of Oakland, California, and writer of Habits of a Happy Brain.

However, these loops can occasionally put our behavior on autopilot. You might grab your phone while waiting in line, read your emails without stepping out of bed every morning, or visit Instagram whenever you receive a notice. “Even if you do not have to modify anything, being aware of these reflexive behaviors is beneficial,” adds Dr. Breuning. “Just by being more aware of your actions, you’ll have a better feeling of control.”

If you have the opportunity, it’s recommended to take a single day off from reading your email, social networking accounts, and utilizing other gadgets, and just observing what occurs. That’s when you’ll notice how effectively you’re using your technology.

Make a Strategy

Setting clear objectives and goals, like with any behavioral changes — from beginning a fitness regimen to changing up your food prep — is an excellent first step, according to Tanya Dalton, a performance specialist in Asheville, North Carolina, and writer of The Joy of Missing Out.

“It’s always beneficial to develop a stronger feeling of purpose and make a strategy to set healthy limits and healthier behaviors,” she adds. “That’s what gives you control over how you spend all your time.”

Your strategy for more deliberate digital usage will most likely vary from that of a friend or relative. What matters is that it is the appropriate strategy for you, with the right objectives. Maybe your plan includes a limited period you want to devote each day staring at screens, or perhaps it’s a specific number of social media “checks” per day. Do what helps you become happy, and change your routine when you feel discontented.

using a VR

Use Technology to Control Your Technology

Consider applications that can help you manage distractions, such as Dewo, which disables all alerts and activates the “Do Not Disturb” status on messaging services. Try FocusMe, an app that allows you to block certain websites or applications (such as Instagram and Facebook) for specified periods. You can also create reminders for particular chores and activities, such as going for a walk or taking a mindfulness break, using the app. It can be challenging to adhere to a self-care regimen if you are easily distracted by what is going on in your day and lose sight of time. That’s where the reminder features on your smartphone, wristwatch, or laptop can help. Set a daily, weekly, or other regular time interval alert to assist you in keeping on track with your commitments.

Prepare to Be Antsy

You might feel like you’re at your wits’ end when you aren’t on your smartphone, as some people discover when they begin restricting their use. However, once they realize they have more time, they will soon exert more effort to disconnect from their phones. They will walk more, spend more time with their children, and practice being more present.

It would also help if you organized your phone to be less distracting. Disable any alerts that can encourage you to launch an app without knowing. Transfer app icons to the second page of your main screen, which will be more challenging to find and establish. Keep your phone in flight mode when eating or socializing.

The primary line is that technology isn’t always beneficial or harmful. It all boils down to how you think when using the technology. Do you ever feel angry and tired after putting down your tech? Or are you energetic and grateful? Aim towards the latter, and you’ll be well on your way.

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