How to Handle Stalking in Your Community


• Stalking is a serious issue that includes following someone, sending threatening messages, harassment, and appearing at home or the workplace uninvited. 

• Stalking often occurs to exert power and control, seek revenge or retribution, or because of an obsession with the victim. 

• Stalking feels like you’re being watched, receiving unwanted gifts, finding unfamiliar items in your home, and feeling scared when certain people are around. 

• If you have determined that someone is stalking you, it’s important to document every incident, including dates, times, and locations.

Stalking is a serious issue that can occur in any community. If someone is stalking you, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and ensure your safety. This blog post will discuss what stalking is, how to identify it, and the steps you should take if you are being stalked.

What is Stalking

According to the US Department of Justice, stalking is a malicious practice involving repeated acts of intimidation or harassment, from following someone around to appearing at their place of living or work, making threatening phone calls, leaving notes and objects as reminders, or vandalizing personal property. Stalkers may also use technology such as email and social media platforms to harass their victims. Stalkers may stalk depending on the following circumstances:

Exert Power and Control

This usually happens when the other party tries to exert power and control over the victim. Stalkers may use fear, intimidation, threats, or manipulation to make the victim feel powerless and helpless. This is common to happen in abusive relationships.

Vindictive Stalking

This type of stalking is where the stalker seeks revenge or retribution for a perceived wrong against them. They may do this by harassing, following, and/or sending threatening messages to the victim.

Obsessional Stalking

This type of stalking usually occurs when an individual is obsessed with a particular person or group. They may make unwanted contact with their target, send gifts, and/or follow them around. This type of stalking is commonly connected to mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.


This type of stalking is motivated by the desire to seek revenge or retribution for a wrong that was done to them. They may use techniques such as vandalism, stalking, or leaving threatening messages to intimidate and frighten the victim. Revenge may involve violence and can be dangerous.

A man forced himself inside a woman's car

How to Know if You’re Being Stalked

If you feel like someone is watching or following you, paying attention to your instincts is important. Other signs that you may be the victim of stalking include the following:

  • Receiving unwanted gifts or emails
  • Feeling like you are being watched
  • Finding unfamiliar items in your home, car, or workplace
  • Having someone contact you repeatedly via phone or email
  • Feeling scared when certain people are around

It’s almost like a scene from a movie, but it’s real and can happen to you. That’s why it’s best to be observant and aware of your surroundings.

Steps To Take If You Are Being Stalked

If you have determined that someone is stalking you, certain steps should be taken right away. The soonest you take action, the easier it is to protect yourself.

Document Everything

Make sure you write down any and all incidents that involve your stalker. This should include dates, times, locations, and witness accounts (if possible). The more information you have, the better you are to take legal action against them. Keep a log of any contact you have with the stalker and any threats or harassment they make.

Inform Your Local Law Enforcement

If you are being stalked, it is important to inform your local law enforcement immediately. They will be able to provide you with valuable information and resources on how to protect yourself and others in your community from being stalked.

A police officer arresting a suspected bad guy

Create a Safety Plan

It is also important to create a safety plan to protect yourself and those around you from the stalker. This might include changing your daily routine, notifying coworkers of the stalking situation, or avoiding public places where the stalker may be present.

Seek Professional Help

You should also seek professional help to assist in the process if needed. You may need a restraining order to prevent the stalker from taking any action against you. A lawyer specializing in restraining orders can help you through this process. They may also be able to help in cases where physical violence is involved or if there are any other criminal charges connected to the stalking.

Stalking is serious and can be a dangerous situation. It’s important to take the necessary precautions if you are being stalked to protect yourself and others. If you or someone you know is being stalked, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Taking steps to protect yourself can make a difference in keeping you safe and secure. Don’t suffer in silence; get help today.

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