5 Ways To Prepare Yourself for a Career Shift

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Deciding to shift careers can be tricky, even for the most experienced professionals. After all, a career is more than just a job — it’s an integral part of our identity. And change is never easy. But sometimes, a career shift is necessary to find new opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

This may be a little daunting for you, but you may need to know that changing careers is prevalent. A Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) survey of people born between 1957 and 1964 shows that people held an average of 12 jobs from 18-54 years of age. So if you’re feeling hesitant, give that study a thought.

There are several reasons why this may be the case. Perhaps you’re no longer challenged by your current role or looking for a better work/life balance. Maybe you’re ready to take on a new challenge, or you’re simply seeking a change of scenery.

Whatever the reason, making a career shift can be challenging. But by taking the time to assess your skills and priorities, you can transition to a new role — and a new chapter in your life. If you’re not sure how, here are a few tips:

1. Define your goals.

One of the first steps in changing careers is to assess what you want to achieve. What are your long-term goals? What kind of work do you enjoy? Your strengths and weaknesses?

Once you have a good sense of what you’re looking for, you can research different fields and explore other options. If you’re not sure where to start, job shadowing or interning can give you a taste of a particular field.

2. Assess your skills and experience.

When it comes to shifting careers, the path can be challenging for everyone. Whether you are considering making a big move or simply thinking about adding to your existing skillset, it is essential to assess your skills and experience to identify what sets you apart.

For example, if you have experience with dental implant technology and a good understanding of its anatomy, you may be well-suited for a dental career that involves dentistry. This could include obtaining additional training and a degree, but it could be well worth the investment if you already have the necessary knowledge and skills.

With patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, it is possible to embark on a rewarding new path that lets you put your talents and expertise to good use. So take stock of your skills, educate yourself, and leap into an exciting new career!

Woman on a job interview

3. Research the career options that are a good fit for you.

Another step is figuring out what kind of work appeals to you most. To get some ideas, you might want to take stock of your interests, skills, and values. List potential career options that align with these areas.

As you do this research and start thinking about what career would be right for you, remember that it is important to stay open-minded and approach every option with an open mind. While there may be some things that don’t appeal to you at first glance, it’s always worth digging deeper before deciding.

4. Connect with others who have made similar transitions.

One way to ease the transition is to connect with others who have made similar changes. Many online communities and professional organizations can provide support and advice. In addition, many colleges and universities offer programs specifically designed for adults who are looking to make a career change.

You may also want to consider reaching out to people in your network who currently work in these fields to learn more about their jobs and discuss any challenges they have faced.

5. Stay open to new opportunities.

Remember that a career shift doesn’t have to mean starting from scratch. In many cases, you can leverage your existing skills and experience to find a new role that is a good fit.

So as you explore different options, try to stay open to new opportunities. By keeping an open mind and being willing to step outside of your comfort zone, you may find that a new career is right around the corner. And with some patience and hard work, you can achieve your goals and start enjoying a more fulfilling life.

It can be challenging to make a career change, but you can do it with the correct information and preparation. All the ways mentioned above can help you go about preparing for a career change. But the most crucial part is to know yourself. The resources available to you are plentiful, so take advantage of them and start planning your new career today.

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