Safe communities are ones in which people feel comfortable and secure in their homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods. A big part of creating and maintaining a safe community is working together — neighbors, community groups, businesses, and government agencies all have different roles to play.
How Do I Get Involved to Help Make My Community Safer?
There are many ways for community members to get involved in making their community safer. Some options include:
Option #1 Joining or forming a Neighborhood Watch group
A Neighborhood Watch group is a great way to get to know your neighbors and work together to watch out for each other and prevent crime. Most communities have these groups, but you can start one if yours doesn’t.
To form a Neighborhood Watch group, all you need is a group of interested people who live in the same area. You’ll want to decide on a name for your group and come up with some ground rules. Once you’ve decided on these things, it’s time to start recruiting members. You can put up flyers, post about it on social media, or even talk to your neighbors in person.
Option #2 Participating in a walking patrol
Walking patrols are a great way to get active and help keep your community safe. They usually involve walking around the neighborhood or downtown area, keeping an eye out for anything that seems suspicious. If you see something that doesn’t look right, you can report it to the police.
To participate in a walking patrol, contact your local police department or search online for a group near you. Be sure to let them know if you have any medical conditions that prevent you from participating in a physical activity like this.
Option #3 Joining or starting a community clean-up day

Community clean-up days are a great way to get to know your neighbors and help keep your community clean and safe. They usually involve picking up trash and clearing away graffiti from public areas.
To join or start a community clean-up day, contact your local government officials or search online for a group near you. Be sure to let them know how many people you expect to participate.
Option #4 Attending crime prevention workshops
Most police departments offer crime prevention workshops to community members. These workshops teach residents how to protect themselves and their belongings from crime. They also provide tips on what to do if a crime does occur.
To attend a crime prevention workshop, contact your local police department or search online for a workshop near you. This should be one of your first steps if you’re interested in making your community safer.
How to Promote Safe Spaces in the Community
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, as the way to promote safe spaces will vary depending on the environment you belong to and the community you live in. However, here are some ways to implement the changes on various levels:
Neighborhood-level changes
If you want to make your neighborhood safer, start by talking to your neighbors. Get to know them and let them know about the safety programs available in your community. You can also work together to keep an eye on each other’s belongings and report any suspicious activity.
School-level changes
If you have school-aged kids, it’s essential to make sure they feel safe at school. Talk to your child’s teacher about creating a safe space in the classroom and encouraging healthy relationships among classmates.
You can also help by being involved in the school’s parent-teacher association. One of the first projects you can spearhead is to ensure that the campus has an emergency school safety alert system. This way, you’ll be able to get information about any emergencies at the school quickly.
Workplace-level changes
Workplaces can also be a safe space for employees. Employers can create a policy that prohibits discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and they can provide training on how to recognize and report these behaviors. Employers can also provide employees with information on how to stay safe when they’re working late or traveling to and from work.
Community-level changes
If you want to make your community safer, start by talking to your local government officials. Let them know about the safety programs you’d like to see in your community and ask for their support. You can also work together to organize community clean-up days and crime prevention workshops.
City-level changes
Start by talking to your city officials if you want to make your city safer. Let them know about the safety initiatives you’d like to see implemented in your town and ask for their support. You can also work together to create safe spaces in public areas, such as parks and downtown areas.
At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that creating safer communities takes time and effort. But by working together, you can make your neighborhood and city a safer place for everyone. And hopefully, other communities will follow your lead!