Help in the Digital Age: Education, Training, and Research Gains from Information

There’s an ongoing concern in the scholastic community that students might not be getting their money’s worth when it comes to expanding their education. An educator’s goal should be to determine which students are greatly in need of help and in which departments.

Educators can only be as good as their tools. It helps them identify which trouble areas to work on and which places students need to focus more. It’s easier to figure this out using the digital way of doing things. Teachers can benefit from the proliferation of many SQL server monitoring gadgets and services, but the main point here is that they’ll rely heavily on data—and lots of it.

Information is one of the many things that teachers need these days and could make their life easier. Here are some points on how data-mining and server monitoring helps educators in their work in the digital age.

 Classroom Teachers Can Monitor Progress

Specifically, these teachers can now monitor their students’ progress more efficiently. Quizzes, games, and other tests designed to educate learners are easier to follow when it’s on a readily accessible platform, such as servers.

Teachers need to keep tabs on a student. Each one has a different strength as well as various weaknesses. When data are stored in a server, teachers can pull a student’s file and see how their progress is going. It also allows a teacher to pinpoint the specific weaknesses of a student and better design a curriculum to fit that person.

The data could also be used to fit other purposes, such as self-evaluation for teachers or whether their methods are effective. This could help educators further hone their respective skills and competencies.

Head Teachers Can Take a Long Look at the School’s Performance

Through accessing data from an available server, headteachers can assess the overall performance of their school. They could also take a look at staff performance more easily through browsing through data stored on the database and how the school’s resources are being used.

They can review raw data on individual performances, achievements, and other information on classroom practices by storing these in a database. From there, they could start to shape their school practices and policies based on what these data will yield. They could also see how they are doing as headteachers through data sent to them through the servers.

Parents and Communities on Their Children’s Achievements

A parent needs to gauge the assessment of their children’s progress. Aside from knowing how they’re doing in school, they’re also figuring out if the school is the right fit or if they need to look for another institution for their child.

Most parents would look for how their children are doing based on their public examination results. It’s because performance in these tests usually indicates how their children will be when they finally seek higher education or when they are starting to work.

If they see something that alarms them, they can usually seek help from the school staff on what actions to take. This will be easier to observe and ascertain if they have concrete data to see about it. That’s where the database and storage come in. These usually contain ready reports and assessments that can be pulled out at the users’ convenience.

Help in Profiling Different Students

One of the major tasks in using data in education is to help educators create more accurate profiles for their students.

For instance, there is the Student Profile for Enhancing Engineering Tutoring (SPEET). While the model helps categorize and profile engineering students more easily, the same technology and its principle can be used in a more general sense.

It helps educators determine how to approach teaching students based on their behavior while studying. It would be a big step from teaching students without understanding their many weaknesses and strengths in subjects.

Helping Those Thinking of Dropping Out

One of the many major problems that educators face is when their students drop out because they feel that the subjects have become too hard for them. With a better understanding of the students through tools and data, this can be mitigated enough.

Educators will have to learn how to use these and what signs to look for within the data. Once they learn to do it, though, they’ll be seeing the results in no time at all.


Education is important, but teaching each student the right subjects and lessons based on who they are is more important. Consider using data and other tools to ensure that the message comes across plainly to the intended receiver.

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