Reversing the Effects of Remote Learning on Kids’ Physical Activity

Family camping in the countryside with kids biking

• Two years of remote learning may have had a negative impact on children’s physical activity levels

• Joining a youth sports team is a great way to encourage physical activity and teach important lessons in teamwork. 

• Organizing outdoor activities like trampoline sessions, hikes, bike rides, and gardening helps promote physical and mental health. 

• Home workouts are a great way to stay active without leaving the house. 

After more than two years of remote learning, kids’ physical activities may have decreased significantly. With more and more kids spending time in front of screens during remote learning, it is more important than ever to ensure they get enough physical activity. Not only does exercise help keep kids healthy, but it can also help them stay focused and energized during remote learning sessions. Here are some ways to encourage your children to get active after two years of virtual schooling.

Get Involved with Local Sports Teams

One great way to keep kids physically active is to have them join a youth sports team in the community. It is a great way for kids to stay fit, have fun, and make friends with other children their age. Being part of a team teaches important lessons about teamwork and commitment that will serve your child well long into adulthood. Here are some sports that can help keep kids active and engaged:

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Baseball/Softball
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball

If your kid does not have any experience playing these sports, many local leagues offer beginner classes and skill clinics that can help your child learn the basics. Encourage them by attending their games and cheering them on!

Organize Outdoor Activities

Organizing outdoor activities like camping trips or hikes is another great way to get your kids off the sofa and out into nature! Spending time outdoors helps promote physical and mental health while allowing your children to explore the beauty of nature first-hand. Here are some outdoor activities you can organize for kids:

Trampoline Sessions

Trampolining allows children to get their heart rate up while having fun bouncing around. It is also good for coordination and balance. Organize trampoline sessions by creating a fun obstacle course or game for your child to complete. You can even purchase a small trampoline or bouncy house for your backyard so your children can stay active at home. Trampoline benefits include increased coordination and balance, cardiovascular endurance, and physical strength.

Kids having fun jumping on an outdoor trampoline

Go Hiking

Going on hikes can be an incredibly rewarding experience for kids, as it allows them to explore different environments and learn about the importance of conservation. Make sure to bring safety equipment such as a first aid kit, plenty of water, and snacks. Furthermore, check the trail conditions before hiking, so your kids have a safe and enjoyable time outdoors.

Bike Rides

Going on family bike rides is an excellent way to explore the outdoors while getting some much-needed exercise. Make sure to bring safety gear and equip your kids with helmets and elbow pads. Bike rides also allow you to teach your children about road safety, bike maintenance, and proper cycling etiquette.


Gardening is a great way for kids to stay active and learn more about nature. Not only does it provide physical activity, but it also teaches them patience and responsibility. Have your children help you plant flowers or vegetables in the garden while educating them on the importance of caring for our environment. You can also let them create their own backyard garden, allowing them to have fun and take ownership of the project.

Encourage Home Workouts

If outdoor activities aren’t feasible right now, plenty of home workouts allow your child to stay active without leaving the house. Whether it’s yoga or simple stretching exercises, plenty of online options can help get your child moving at home. You can even find free interactive games online that combine physical activity with technology for an enjoyable experience.

A mother and daughter doing at-home workout together

You can also encourage them to join you in your own workout routine. Physical activities can help build strong family bonds while keeping everyone healthy and fit! Some safe workouts they can try are jumping jacks, running up and down the stairs, or dancing to their favorite songs. Kids don’t have to do intense workouts for long periods; just a few minutes of activity each day can make a huge difference in their physical and mental health.

Making physical activity fun for your kids should be a priority after two years of virtual schooling. After spending too much time on-screen, it’s time to get them back into the world and enjoy physical activities. Whether it’s joining a sports team, organizing outdoor activities, or encouraging home workouts, there are plenty of ways to get your kids moving. Your children can stay active and healthy after two years of remote learning with your support and encouragement!

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