Community Gardens: How to Build One in Your Neighborhood

community garden

There are lots of benefits that people get from gardening. Whether you’re a green thumb or not, the advantages you’d get from gardening are things you certainly don’t want to miss out on. However, one common problem with this is that not many people have the space to start a garden.

As new forms of gardening continue to arise, we are now finding ways on how to include more people into this activity. One of the most prominent methods that we’re able to do is building community gardens everywhere.

Steps in Building a Community Garden

A community garden is exactly what its name suggests. It’s a garden that is shared by a community. A group of green thumbs, beginners and experts alike, would start thinking about the benefits of gardening and decide that the community needs it as well. If you want one in your neighborhood, here are the steps you need to take.

Form a Committee

You cannot do it on your own. You’re going to need a few, or a lot, of people behind you with the same mindset as yours to further your cause. That’s why forming a committee is the very first step in building a community garden. Having landscapists, florists, nutritionists, and agriculturists in your committee would be helpful, but that doesn’t mean that lawyers, doctors, teachers, and anyone else who want to join are restricted. This committee will be in charge of taking care of the garden and other essential tasks required to build and maintain it.

Choose a Site

The next step is to choose a site for the garden. A member or two from the committee can do this. Just scan your neighborhood and look for a spot that can accommodate the garden’s size you plan on building. This can be a vacant lot or any other open space. You also need to consider the sunlight this area receives, and that it is far away from traffic. Access to water and proper drainage is also essential, so ensure that the site has these or it’s modifiable to include them.

Get Permission

Once a site is chosen, and the committee agrees that this is the best spot to build the garden, you need to ask for permission from the local government unit. This will guarantee that you’re not trespassing on private property and also ensure that there will not be any dispute over the land. In the U.S., different states often have different policies that surround this. You often need to fill out a plot request form, submit it to the proper authorities and wait for the approval. It’s also important to keep in mind that this often includes some fees, so make sure that your committee is prepared.

Funding Method

You’re going to need a considerable budget to build the community garden. It may be helpful to look for sponsors, one of which could be the mayor of the town or the leader of your homeowners’ association. If none of these turn out to be fruitful, getting the funds from the committee members is one of the most common solutions. The funds will be used to buy various materials and plants needed to operate the garden. It may also be used to pay for the labor necessary to build it.

Build a Fence

garden fence
Once the committee has the funds, the next thing you need to do is to protect the area from wild animals and pedestrian traffic. Finding a fence contractor would be extremely helpful for this situation because they can estimate the total budget you need. They will also be the ones to provide the materials needed to build the fence. The cost of this would often depend on the material you plan to use and the site’s land area, but it’s essential in guaranteeing that the community garden is well-maintained.

Design and Layout

After establishing the fence, the next thing you need to take care of is the area’s design and layout. This is important because it will determine the type, quantity, and location of the plants. You must have the site’s exact land size to ensure that the plants are planted properly, and the garden grows beautifully.


The last part of the entire process is maintenance, which gets a little difficult. Make sure that your team is committed to keeping the garden beautiful. You also need to know how to properly maintain a community garden to ensure that it doesn’t get ruined as time goes by.


With this information, you can set up a garden that the entire community can enjoy. You can help not only yourself but also those living in the same neighborhood.

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