Common Factors Contributing to Juvenile Crimes

child in chains

Some crimes are inevitable in society. Not everyone will have the same disposition towards the greater good and even though we are taught that everyone is equal, there are many differences and aspects that push some people to a life of crime. Especially with young people who are still growing into the standards of society, some are more prone to committing crimes more than others.

Because of the many nuances in our living conditions, people will wonder why some abide by the law but others do not, leading to messy situations that involve imprisonment, lawyers, and sometimes even bail bonds agents to avoid getting locked away. So it is important to find out the various factors that affect the minds of the youth which turns them away from the law. Here are some of the most common ones.

Family Issues

arguing parents

Family is a big factor in the development of young people. Being in a happy and loving home can bring out the best in a child. They get to feel reassured of their futures while their needs and wants are met constantly. The opposite can go for youth living with a broken family. Statistics show that children living in a dysfunctional family setting have an increased risk of engaging in crimes while in their younger years.

This is also linked to committing more serious and violent crimes later in life. Family conditions can also be influenced by other factors like socioeconomic standing, violence, and substance use within the household, constituting a toxic family to contribute greatly to the overall criminal activity in society.


Exposure to violence may also contribute to juvenile crimes. Seeing these kinds of acts somehow justifies physical harm to young minds. Many studies found that visual exposure to violence can be a traumatic and life-changing scene for children which can, later on, translate into actual crimes. They may see it happening at home, in school, or on digital media like videos and games. But physical exposure to it where they are the ones who receive the abuse can result in them inflicting the same deeds on other people. This rings true to how violence will incite more violence, especially in developing individuals.

Lack of Education

Being out of school or spending less time than usual in the presence of educational authorities can turn children away from the law. As they indulge themselves in recreational activities, they miss out on the important life lessons that are taught within the confines of the classroom. They continue to be uninformed of the ways of society, making them more prone to following bad examples when they see them.

Peer Pressure

The environment will always play a role in how criminal activities are propagated. When a young person interacts constantly with bad influences, they adopt the same views and beliefs. Being in a peer circle that promotes this kind of behavior can push even the most well-behaved child to do something out of character with enough pressure from their peers. Not only are they trying to fit in but are also wrongly looking for their own self in the image of their friends, making it a long-term commitment to crimes while they continue socializing with other similar-minded children.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

We all know the dangers of taking substances that can alter the state of the mind. Both alcohol and drugs are powerful objects that are passed around in youth gatherings without proper supervision. These substances, in enough doses, can make anyone act against their will (or lack thereof) and commit crimes without full knowledge of it. Abuse of alcohol and drugs can further affect the mind, even permanently, causing physiological and irreversible damage. This then leads young people to lose sight of what is right and wrong.


Poverty is probably one of the main factors that can directly cause every mentioned factor mentioned above. A person’s low social standing can put them in critical situations that can force them to engage in illegal acts against other people.

These factors can overlap depending on the environment of an individual and may provide them with greater reasons to engage in criminal activity. Knowing about these things can help us not just to educate ourselves and others but also to take action and prevent circumstances that lead to these conditions.

We can always start in our homes, promoting love and respect for everyone around us. Even the little actions can make a big difference. Then we can read and talk more about this issue to open a conversation and address it as needed. Lastly, we can do our part in following the set rules and regulations to act as role models to every young person we know. With all of this, we are contributing to the prevention of young minds from becoming polluted by the negative influences in their lives.

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