Business Strategies

social media applications

Customers First. Improving Their Online Shopping Experience

The retail industry amounts to $4.06 trillion in the United States alone. It’s a force to reckon with as it has seen a continuous rise in brick-and-mortar and online retail platforms. With the latter’s sales expected to rise to $563.4 billion in the next four years, businesses must develop a solid marketing strategy with clear insight across virtual

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food delivery app

Trends in the Restaurant Industry amid a Pandemic

The restaurant industry experienced a slowdown when the pandemic started. While around 10 percent of US restaurants closed their doors permanently, many continued their operations after a brief shutdown following the issuance of shelter-at-home directives by the authorities. These restaurants displayed resilience as they made adjustments to their operations to allow them to reach their

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digital museum

Art and Technology in 2021

There have been plenty of technological innovations in modern times. From medical advancements to social media phenomena, people’s lives have changed drastically due to technology. These changes have shifted our lifestyles in more ways than one. Technology has become ingrained in our culture, and it has become a staple in our everyday lives. The advancements

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Digital Marketing Tactics: Enhancing Your Brand’s Online Presence through Modern Tools and Strategies

Internet advertising has evolved from a simple online posting strategy to a more advanced version of data and analytics-based marketing. This particular improvement made huge and remarkable transformations in various industries. It also provided several benefits for business owners, especially for those brands that are just starting to make their name known in the market.

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